28 Nov Bon cop de falç!
Bon cop de falç! –o A carn! , which was his first title–, is the end of a project that was born in 2007 and has reached a satisfactory result thanks to the collaboration of Andreu González, my adventure friend and fellow. We could saild the book was already sailing around the Literary World, but at a given moment, when a friend of mine introduced me to Andreu, he obviously joined the project and helped me modernise the essence and give another direction to it, with successful results in the end. Without his contribution, we would have had trouble being here today.
Bon cop de falç! is the story of a normal man in a tumultuous period. A man dragged by the events that sorround him, a man who sees how misfortune, hate and violence hit his house and his family and lead him to the path of revenge and personal and moral destruction. In the end his worn out soul and his tired body seek the peace and calmness he can only get by helping the others.
When calmness seems to have come back to his spirit again, when he returns home liberated from his worries and willing to definitely restart a new life, it is just at this moment when he will be able, unexpectedly, to take revenge on the man that, on a tragic day few years before, had broken his life and his loved ones’ to pieces.
Thanks to Bon cop de falç! !, Andreu and I have won the prize Nèstor Luján 2011, but we have also achieved something very important: the recognition to lots of years of effort and sacrifice in a creative project to which we have devoted our best intentions.
I can’t stop thanking my friends from our literary agency: Sandra Bruna, Joan, Natàlia and the rest of the team, who started working for us from the very first moment and who were always convinced of our possibilities.
Ramon Gasch Pou – 19th October 2011
Ramon Gasch i Pou – 19 de octubre de 2011