Manual de tiempos de montaje de instalaciones de seguridad contra incendios (Manual of assembly time of fire-fighting installations)

Manual de tiempos de montaje de instalaciones de seguridad contra incendios (Manual of assembly time of fire-fighting installations)

Category: Technical Manual
Collection: CETIB Technical Manual
Language: Spanish
Summary: This technical publication of more than 170 pages contains, besides the data concerning the assembly time, pictures of equipment and installations, a compilation of practical criteria, a descriptive set of real projects and specifications that make students and professionals become familiar with these types of assembly, which are essential in our current society. In this case we counted on the collaboration of Álex Guiral from CSC firm and of my collaborators Oriol Bacardit and Roberto Espinosa at SURIS, SL, company in which, together with my workmate Albert Segarra, I am both a technical manager and a partner.